About Us
Empowering the Voice of Sexual Assault Survivors
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Our Story
Our PEEPS are survivors in every sense of the word.
They are strong – capable. They are heros! They have endured the unbearable. They have persisted in their healing. They have carried on, carried through the tough times and pulled out of it.
When they believed they couldn’t possibly make it through one more time, they did. They made a comeback!
They persevered, recovered, came through, withstood the test of time. They made the cut!
They have prevailed!
And now…
They have being, have place! They stand up!
They have a voice! They are heard!
A Note From Our Founder
I am so blessed to work with some of the most courageous women alive.
I admit, we don’t always feel courageous. (I say we because I am a survivor.) Sometimes we feel small, sad, in pain, etc.
But, we are not! We have survived some of the most painful stories imaginable. Many in fact are unimaginable.
For who would imagine a father, a mother, a sibling, or other relative hurting their own flesh and blood – as young as 5-years old, 3-years old, even under 6 months.
Day after day, month after month, I hear unbearable stories of children (now adults) who have survived and defeated their most heart-breaking stories. Yes, some still struggle.
That’s why we are here. To empower women to…
Ignite their inner power.
Find their authentic voice.
Get the facts.
Beyond survival, they have learned and are sharing their stories of healing and hope with others.
So that others, new survivors, know that indeed, you can get through – one moment at a time.
Know that as survivors, they are strong, powerful, brave, courageous and daring…
So that perpetrators know they will not win, they will not keep us down.
So the public understands what it’s like to be a survivor. How we fight every day of our life to find our voice. To be heard. To be us!
These are the the stories of confident, strong brave and daring souls who are today…

Claire O’Leary
Claire is a Survivor’s Healing Alchemist, Transformational Coach, Speaker, Advocate and Reiki Master who empowers others to be seen and heard through her peer led EMPOWER™ Technique and from Wounds to Wisdom mentoring program.
For more than 10 years, Claire has led workshops and mentored individuals guiding them through blocks and helping them identify, release and reframe their trauma to empower their voice and gain the self confidence they desire.
CEO and Founder of The Empowered VOICE traveling exhibit, and Voices Heard Claire empowers the voice of survivors through expressive arts and speaking.
“A childhood sexual abuse (CSA) survivor myself, once at age 5 then ongoing for several years as a teenager, I know first hand what it feels like to be a survivor. I understand the courage it takes to face the old stories of the past and to use those to move beyond survival.
How to embrace those old stories and move through the pain of silence to find my own authentic voice. To use the confidence gained from moving through the anger, shame and blame to live my soul’s desire and become an advocate.
And I know first hand how long it can take to even claim the past, let alone heal from it. Through my own healing journey, I have learned many ways to cut through the old patterns and transmute them for my own benefit.
I changed from someone who was a yes girl, someone who couldn’t stand up for myself or share my own desires (heck, I didn’t know my desires because I didn’t know who I was) to a confident woman who not only knows myself well, but use my past to propel myself through it and now share my own authentic voice with other survivors.“
Claire provides a safe haven for CSA survivors to reclaim their authentic voice and shorten their emotional healing journey. She empowers you to release anger, resentment and negative self-talk that comes from old wounds.
She guides you to regain self-confidence & inner power and embody your authentic voice so you can embody the inner power to speak in your authentic voice.
In her workshops, Claire gently cuts through negative thought patterns, releases anger and resentment that stems from old wounds, guides survivors to regain peace and joy, embody their authentic voice, build self confidence and embrace your inner power, so you can experience the confidence and inner power to speak authentically, in close relationships and in public.
Our Mission & Approach
The Empowered Voice is a Movement Empowering the Voice of Survivors!
It is a strong force for the empowerment of women who have been silent for years and are reclaiming who they are at the core.
Women who are stepping up and stepping out – women who finally feel they can speak up.
The Traveling Exhibit & Symposium
The traveling exhibit & symposium is meant to expand public awareness around sexual assault in an effort to eliminate sexual assault in our lifetime while creating a safe space for survivors to be seen and heard.
It’s an opportunity for the public to be informed about the devastating effects of sexual assault. To learn how to respond when confronted with friends or family who are survivors.
To change our culture to one of knowledge and compassion and perhaps gain the conviction to become advocates for survivors.
The Traveling Exhibit and Symposium is a public exhibit of movement, music, art, and verbal expression by survivors of sexual assault.
The traveling exhibit is an opportunity for survivors to share their voice, be seen, and be heard – a healing experience for both artist and viewer.
In the United States, every 98 seconds another person experiences sexual assault.
Every 8 minutes, a victim is a child. That’s over 180 kids sexually assaulted every day. That’s 65,000 every year!
Of every 1,ooo sexual assaults, Only 310 are reported to the police.
Only 6 of every 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison.
Experience PTSD
90% of sexually abused children develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Times more likely
Survivors of sexual assault are 4X more likely to experience alcohol or drug abuse.
times more likely
Survivors of sexual assault are 4X more likely to experience PTSD as adults.
Times more likely
Survivors of Sexual Assault are 3X more likely to experience a major depressive episode as adults.