Weekend Intensives

Each Empowered Voice Exhibit and Symposium is prefaced by a workshop or weekend intensive where healing occurs through the creation of expressive art.

Each workshop is slightly different embracing the expression and expertise of the local host.

Your workshop leaders include Claire O’Leary, Shannon Jones and a local host when appropriate.



Upcoming Intensives

The Empowered Voice Exhibit & Symposium – Paonia Colorado

OCTOBER 25, 2019
6 pm – 9 pm

Blacklight Studios
208 Main St, Paonia, CO

Stories of hope and healing shared through art, poetry, stories, movement and more.

Join survivors in celebration of their voices heard. End in joyous movement led by Shannon Jones, Level I certified in expressive arts therapy through the Tamalpa Institute.

The Empowered Voice Weekend Intensive

Engage with a community of women in a safe environment. 

Join in community with other women who have struggled with not being seen or heard and have endured years of silence. If you are part of #MeToo, you know exactly what I mean.

Women have been silenced for so long that now when called to speak out and model for others, we’re not sure how to hold vulnerability and yet share our story in a powerful way.

The Empowered Voice Weekend Intensive is a safe space and community that feels empowering. It’s a space where you can comfortably share your story in an authentic, vulnerable and powerful way.  It begins with a healing immersion and ends with an exhibit and symposium where we all share our stories through expressive arts.

As healers, social workers, nonprofit organizers, civic leaders and therapists, we are so often drawn into our work because of our experiences, yet our trauma often gets in the way of our work.
The weekend intensive is a deep dive into healing and releasing the residual effects of sexual assault in order to ignite your inner power, self confidence and authentic voice. It’s a way to step into an authentic relationship with your highest Self as an empowered woman with a voice that needs to be heard NOW – more than ever!
This deep immersion is perfect for women who have confronted or are confronting their own trauma in order to be authentic and want to step more fully into their life’s work. 
Women who want to share their story with others in an effort to empower other survivors will benefit greatly as they share their stories more powerfully.

I participated in the 8-week Empowered Voice Workshop series, led by Claire, and took away so much more than I could have expected. Each week, Claire helped us ground through meditative exercises, and afterwards I channeled and wrote some powerful poems about different pieces of me and my experience. I found that creative energy flowing even outside our workshop sessions. By the end of the series, I had completed an 8 page artist book of paintings and poems reflecting the phases of my journey, and I’m so proud to have completed something so beautiful, especially without an extensive art background. Claire’s energy is subtly powerful.

Drusilla Cowan

Co-Founder + COO, Survivor Alliance

The Intensive Experience

The practices of movement, meditation, creative arts and voice are potent tools in healing trauma and promoting release, change and growth.

The weekend intensive begins with the basic tenet of healing by releasing old stories and wounds through expressive arts, guided meditation and movement. You will begin to empower your authentic voice, through art, song, poetry, story telling and movement.

We will share powerful techniques to connect you with your truest essence, and step into an authentic relationship with your highest Self as an empowered woman with a voice that needs to be heard NOW – more than ever!

The weekend intensive leads to your opportunity to be seen and heard through the Empowered Voice Traveling Exhibit. This is your opportunity to share your personal healing story through various expressive arts and release any residual fear of being seen or heard.


And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ― Anaïs Nin

As part of my healing journey, Claire has helped me with diving deeper into my inner space to discover more about myself in deeper ways. I am always thankful to discover new levels of beingness with Claire.  Cari L.

Claire creates a safe and pensive environment of trust and provides gentle, guidance for your own journey of self discovery.  B. Ries

I was truly surprised that I was able to find forgiveness in my heart where before there was none. I was amazed at the sense of peace this experience brought me and that I was inspired to believe I could attain them [forgiveness & peace] again.  Bridget R.

I had the most amazing day today after our workshop. I was motivated and upbeat and those feelings have been lost to me for some time. I spent most of the day processing and when I found myself in a dark place I just envisioned that family hug and instantly felt better.  M. Simonds


We understand that sometimes as much as we want to do things the finances are just not there at the moment. Thanks to our partners, we currently have 2 partial scholarships available.

The EMPOWERed Voice Traveling Exhibit 

The inaugural EMPOWERed VOICE Traveling Exhibit launched April 5, 2019 in Carbondale Colorado, during Sexual Assault and Awareness month. Included was a public exhibit of art, movement, and verbal expression by survivors of sexual assault.

Live and video performances of healing movement, music, art and stories from around the country were shared. Surprising us were three spontaneous shares from women who previously had said they weren’t ready.

The traveling exhibit is meant to expand public awareness around sexual assault in an effort to eliminate sexual assault in our lifetime while creating a safe space for survivors to be seen and heard.

It was followed by an exhibit of the art and a short workshop at Redefined 2019: A Day of Healing, on April 27,2019.

Upcoming Exhibits include:

Bainbridge Island, WA October 13, 2019

Paonia, CO October 25, 2019

Seattle, WA November 1 30, 2019